Friday, December 19, 2008

Our Christmas Message

Although materialism and consumerism have hijacked Christmas for the time being, the message and spirit of Christmas still holds. Amidst the powerful stimulus to buy, buy, buy, there are fleeting moments of quietness and stillness when we can hear the gentle voice of consciousness whispering to us. In these brief moments we remember that this is a time to reflect - how can WE as individuals bring peace on earth and goodwill to all our fellow beings?

As Alexander Technique teachers working the iPAC way, we believe we have the how - The Technique - to help you achieve this vital goal of peace and quiet - first inside yourself and then in your actions in the outside world.

Our work, ‘Education for Living’, is all about developing individual potential. Each individual must be developed so that it is “as difficult to fire us as it is to fire a piece of stone.” Peace is not possible without the effective use of that transcending power of our conscious mind - it is “Man’s Supreme Inheritance”.

Recognising and understanding the need to QUICKEN and develop our conscious mind takes time. But we have no choice: either we make the transition or we are going to destroy ourselves and our planet.

Here at Alexander Technique Atlantic you learn how you can think and act differently: you learn how to overcome your powerful negative feelings; you learn how to let go of your fear; your preconceived ideas; your fixed ideas and prejudices; you learn how to prevent your too quick reactions to others; you learn how to develop patience instead of impatience; and you learn how to overcome your compulsion to “do” “do” “do”. Choosing to live differently - to live a more conscious and constructive life style - involves leaving behind your unwanted habitual ways of being and behaving. Often these unwanted habits have their roots in the legacy of our instincts - which once served us well but are no longer a satisfactory means of guiding and controlling our behaviour in the modern world.

Our work involves no exercises; no rituals or complicated procedures; no effort or strain; no esoteric or mystical doctrine. It involves using your reasoning and intelligence to gain the necessary practical knowledge and skill (which can be verified and demonstrated) to understand how to organise yourself into a coherent psychophysical system in order to achieve POISE in living.

We invite you to work with us and put your Christmas wishes and New Years resolutions into positive action in building a healthier and happier future for you, your children, and their children’s children.

Season’s Greetings,
Tasha & David

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